Invest in Warehouse Automation to Protect Against Market Volatility

As a worldwide specialist in intralogistics and warehouse automation, we find in our new whitepaper an increase in demand for flexible and modular warehouse solutions to adapt to market fluctuations.

In recent years, companies have intensified their investment in flexible and modular warehouse automation solutions to cope with market volatility. In a complex global environment marked by geopolitical and economic uncertainty, these systems help organisations ensure agile and efficient operations and adapt more readily to market fluctuations and changing consumer demands.

This is one of the main conclusions of Element Logic’s recent whitepaper on why artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are the keys to unlocking warehouse potential. The whitepaper, which is available for free at this link, points out that automation has become a protective mechanism to ensure companies’ future in any scenario.

“Investing in warehouse automation is a smart strategy for companies that want to remain competitive in a volatile market context. The pandemic put warehouse operations under significant strain and, as a result, numerous companies have focused their efforts on improving efficiency and reducing reliance on manual processes,” says Cesar Nosti, Managing Director Element Logic Spain.

Warehouse automation: key to adding more value to the work of warehouse operators

In the whitepaper, Element Logic highlights the collaboration between humans and robots as a key factor in adding more value to warehouse operators’ work and curbing the high turnover that characterises the intralogistics sector.

Although warehouse automation shows a clear upward trend, it is still at an early stage. According to the whitepaper, this leads to one of the sector’s major challenges being staff retention, especially in manually operated warehouses and in positions where tasks are repetitive and do not offer real opportunities for growth.

“Order preparation is the process that is currently most automated in warehouses. Automating such repetitive tasks is more than an added value; it allows us to free up resources in the warehouse, develop new functions and capabilities, achieve a healthier work environment, and combat labour turnover. At Element Logic, we strongly believe in human-robot collaboration, and for that reason, we work daily to optimise these synergies,” concludes Cesar Nosti.

Interested in learning more about the benefits of warehouse automation and AI? Download Element Logic’s insightful whitepaper today and discover how to future-proof your operations.

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